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HTML Cheat Sheet (New HTML5 Tags Included)

  Getting to Know HTML HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create websites. This language uses HTML tags to structure web pages, so they will have a header, body, sidebar, and a footer. HTML tags are also used to format text, embed images or attributes, create lists, and link to external files. The last function allows you to modify the look of the page by embedding CSS files and other objects. It’s important to use proper HTML tags as an incorrect structure may break the web page. What’s worse, search engines may not be able to read the information presented within the tags. Since HTML has so many tags, we’ve put together a handy HTML cheat sheet to help you use the language. Once you’ve downloaded the HTML cheat sheet, save the file into your devices or print one out. That way, the cheat sheet will be ready whenever you need a reference.

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